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About Us

As a Certified Financial Planner®, I continually strive to see every client realize all of their financial dreams. Whether your goal is to save for a new home or your retirement, protecting loved ones from financial losses or managing your portfolio wisely, I have the experience and resources to meet your needs.

Jack Di Nardo, CFP®, CH.F.C., CLU

Senior Wealth Advisor

As your Strategic Planner, Jack Di Nardo is unique in his approach and his philosophy towards financial planning: a Lifestyle Planning approach incorporating your desired lifestyle and your financial resources to design a strategy to meet your life's goals and to assist you in building your wealth and assets.

Keep an eye out for his soon to be published book: The Bounce Factor: A Financial Guide for Turbulent Times! It will be available on Amazon!

Over twenty-eight years of experience as a financial planner was preceded by a career in sales, customer service and management training with Wilson Learning. Jack worked with Fortune 500 companies across North America for over five years.

He applies the adult learning principles from his consulting days to his interactions with clients. Using a Socratic approach to client discussions often leads to deep learning and insights. Many clients experience "aha" moments which often shifts their perspective on how the economy and financial markets really work! The result is changed client behaviour and confidence in their ability to achieve their desired lifestyle goals!

His voracious appetite for keeping up with business news and current affairs has resulted in a real talent for recognizing market and economic trends, to the benefit of his clients. This research includes, but is not limited to, World Bank, IMF, Bank of International Settlements and two economic think tanks, one in Hong Kong and one in Europe, to get as broad a perspective as possible on the global economic picture and how this impacts individual clients.

This broad based knowledge and reading was put to the test in March 2000, when clients' holdings were moved out of all technology positions just before the tech market crash. There were profits but no losses on those investments. Again, in early 2008, many of his clients held cash positions of about 40% of their portfolios. This cash was then invested following the September market panic. By buying at market lows, clients not only recovered from the Great Financial Crisis but went on to hit all-time highs in their portfolio values by early 2011. Jack continues to encounter potential clients who have yet to recover from the 2008 correction never mind make new highs in their investment portfolios.

While looking at the "big picture" is important, Jack also actively encourages and educates clients on how to amass a “biggabag of money,” a favourite catchphrase of his that, in effect, summarizes the ultimate goal of all financial planning activities. And while portfolio returns are important, he has also not hesitated to point out to some clients that living beyond their means is far more likely to jeopardize their futures and that of their families than a market downturn.

Jack continues to monitor global credit conditions with a heightened awareness of the increasing risks of a repeat of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis; a crisis triggered by the credit markets. How can you solve an excess of credit in the world economy by creating more credit? Global government debt has risen from around $80 Trillion in 2008 to about $250 Trillion heading to $300 Trillion today! This is like curing alcoholism by giving the individual more alcohol!

Investment portfolios are constructed to take into account economic risks by selecting portfolio managers with a proven track record of being able to protect asset values during severe market turbulence while providing positive returns in normal market conditions. Jack is also cognizant of the risks of rising interest rates and the negative impact this will have on government bonds and other fixed income investments.

He also offers clients tax planning strategies, Estate Planning advice, life insurance, disability, Critical Illness and Long Term Care insurance as part of his retirement and wealth planning services.

A growing trend today amongst retirees and Boomers is the need to support two households, especially for the fastest growing Canadian demographic which is the plus 85 age group. We are seeing increasing numbers of situations where one spouse needs nursing care and the healthy spouse continues to live in the family home. Many retirees are have enough of a challenge maintaining one household never mind two! We have strategies available to help with this!

Jack is active in the evolving industry Regulatory landscape as a member of the Advocis National Joint Regulatory Affairs sub-committee on investing since 2010. He has been on the Executive for over ten years, in various roles, including Treasurer for five years, of the Gwendolen Park Community Tennis Club. He also supports a number of charities.

He lives in Toronto and his partner is Diane Wargalla, an author and well-known psychic medium. He is a graduate of St. Michael's College – University of Toronto, and has earned the following designations:

  • CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
  • CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter)
  • CH.F.C. (Chartered Financial Consultant)

Jack is the proud father of Laura, who is working in the travel industry, and is a graduate of Queen's University, and Marc, who is building his practise as a Chiropractor in the Toronto area. Marc also offers acupuncture, custom orthotics and Active Release Therapy services as well.